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About John Smith

1. OVER 100 years of EXPERIENCE.
Podiatry Care practitioners have over 100 years of combined clinical experience in dealing with foot pain, leg pain and postural complaints. You’re in safe hands.

2. FIRST to introduce CAD CAM technology in orthotic production to South Australia.
Podiatry Care’s founders were first to introduce CAD CAM technology in orthotic production to South Australia in 1997.

3. FIRST to introduce 3D Laser scanning and 3D laser orthotics to South Australia.
Podiatry Care was first to introduce 3D laser scanning of feet in prescription orthotics replacing messy old plaster casts.

4. FIRST to receive accreditation in ESWT application.
Podiatry Care is one of only a few podiatry clinics in South Australia which has a practitioner who has received specific ESWT (extracorporeal shock wave therapy) training and accreditation from ATRAD in Europe.

5. FIRST for fungal nail laser treatment.
Podiatry Care was first to introduce a structured program for LASER treatment of fungal nails in South Australia.

6. UNIQUE heel pain treatment program for both adults and children.
Podiatry Care has a unique heel pain treatment approach for both adults and heel pain in children.

7. RISK FREE Initial Consultations.
We care about getting the best result possible for you. Following your initial consultation, if you are unhappy for any reason – you will be offered a second opinion free of charge. If you are still not happy with your choice to choose Podiatry Care, we will happily refund you any out of pocket expense for your initial consultation.

Thank you !

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John Smith

Hourly Rate: $100.00

Category Massage

Location Adelaide CBD, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


To find your perfect fit, and more click with Fitheory, directly. We're an email or a call away. And, we're all over social media. Don't be shy!

[email protected]